Eco-Life to Eco-Death
A guide for eco-friendly funeral services.
Why choose a green burial?
With the world's population stretching over seven billion and with over 150,000 deaths per day, it might be time that we take a look at the environmental impact of our deaths. Green Burials decrease the harmful effects on the environment by utilizing methods that don’t use harmful chemicals or un-biodegradable containers.
Often green burials are chosen over traditional because they are more simplistic, cost less, preserve natural resources, eliminate chemicals and help to preserve the natural environment. These types of funerals are fitting to those who enjoyed the outdoors or those who are environmentally conscious.
Is cremation green?
Although it is considered more environmentally friendly than a chemically embalmed body in a concrete and wood casket; cremation still uses a large amount of fossil fuel and energy per person. To cremate a body, it requires temperatures above 1,100 degrees Celsius for 2–3 hours.
Cremation accounts for 70% of disposal in Canada and 50.1% in America and is steadily increasing.
Now let us take a look at some of the environmentally friendly burial options that are available through Fisher and Sons.
Types of Burials
There are a variety of options available for green burials from simple caskets to becoming a tree. So careful consideration must be taken on what type of container you would like to use for the burial.
Wooden Casket
To be considered green, the casket must be made of solid wood, with no glue, metal or varnish. These types of coffins can be easily personalized with biodegradable paints or inks. If you would like a lining on the interior it should be made from natural materials or unbleached fabrics.
Woven Caskets
These types of caskets are typically made out of willow, bamboo, wicker or a combination.
Some services will incorporate other natural materials to enhance the design such as seagrass or banana leaves.
Tree Pods
This concept is relatively new but with it, the human body is placed in a biodegradable oval-shaped container and buried with a tree above it. Over time, the pod will break down and nourish the tree.
This product is currently not on the market but it is something to keep your eye on.
Biodegradable Urns
If cremation is still your first choice, but you still want to be environmentally friendly it may be beneficial to look at biodegradable urns. The urns are made from organic and recycled materials that have been harvested sustainably. They are designed to break down naturally when buried or exposed to water, so they are great for water burials or green cemeteries.
Depending on where you would like to be buried, there are a variety of urns available such as paper, fiber, floating, rock salt and plain wood.
If any of these options seem like the best thing for you, you can create a plan that will specify exactly what you want from your funeral. If you would like to arrange an eco-friendly funeral for a loved one, you can set up an appointment with Fisher and Sons to create a plan.